Merry Christmas
how do you guys celebrate this coming Christmas?
For me, i will celebrate it will a pass of my 3rd test (provided i pass my test on that very day...).
that's why the early greetings....
Voices of childhood
Got a chance to live alone for a day or two few days ago and it was really wonderful. i just like the tranquility of solitude, the freedom of being alone, and of course, the liberty of listening to my music for however long and loud that i want it to be. I was not constrained by anything except my own mind.
Anyway, I had stumbled upon a cassette tape that afternoon, and out of curiosity, i decided to play it and listen to was in it. Just as the tape had started playing, floods of memory just overwhelmed me. It was the cassete tape that my sister and I used to play, by recording our voices or singings and playing them out (to us, it was fun then), when we were young, around 9 years ago. So i just listened to what we had recorded 9 years ago, recalling the fun that we had, the way that we behaved then... It was so sentimental to bring those memories back. And it was also very sentimental to realize that things can never be the same again.
Few years back, when i was at my puberty period, my mum always asked me to speak with a higher pitch because she always could not hear what i was saying properly. She would say then, "Do you know that your voice last time was pretty sharp and clear? Not like now, so low and hard to catch." Then, because it was really hard to sense the change of one's own voice, i normally would reply her like this, "No la, no change what, it is still so clear. You grow old already, that is why there is some problems in your hearing."
But aftering hearing my "sharp and clear" voice 9 years ago, i could really see that there is a stark contrast between my present voice and the voice i had when i was young. The voice sounded so unfamiliar, like all the joy and freedom and puerility are so distant to me now. This made me feel more sentimental thinking that i am already so old now, feeling that my empty shoulders then have already loaded with so much weight now...
But time can never be reversed, all we only can do right now is to steal the joyful moments of childhood from our remaining memories...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The only business which requires no cost
let me begin today's blog with three incidences :
Around this time last year, i was walking alone in a deserted area of a park (actually just crossing over the park to get to another place) and saw this woman standing alone along the path. She looked like she was waiting for somebody. When i met her eyes from quite a distance away, the expression she gave me was very weird, so i directed my eyes away from her. When i walked nearer to her, i could not help but stole another glimpse at her. It was still the same strange look. Suddenly, she came up to me, waving her hands, signalling me to come nearer. She was smiling and said, "靓仔,要跟我去玩吗? 我教你怎样玩 (handsome, wana play with me? i teach you) " Luckily, i was smart enough to understand what she said, and smart enough to react fast. I ignored her, and continued walking, more briskly. Then she continued pestering, "跟我玩吧,好玩的. (let's play, it's fun) " Without taking another look at her, i walked away.
It was on a night bus from my hometown back to Guangzhou. I was alone, sitting along the aisle, diagonally opposite to a woman. I didn't take much notice of her throughout the whole journey, only when we reached the last stop and were alighting, when she did something really disgusting. I was alighting after her then, and when she came to the front door, she seductively held on to the hand of the bus conductor's, saying in her obsene tone, "今晚去那儿吧. (Let's go there tonight)" The he replied playfully, "去哪儿啊?(Where?)", acting ignorant. Then the woman continued, "去吧 (just go)", tucking at his hand. But the bus conductor declined it (i thk) then i alighted the bus and walked away.
The other day, my coach was talking to his student (a doctor) about a news he read some time ago, and i happened to be there to listen to it. The conversation began with the subject on AIDS. He said, "Some time ago, a company, which makes a living through providing sauna service, ordered its 100 over female workers for a health check-up. And the result came out happened to be that only a dozen or so of the female workers were healthy, the rest (around 80+%) were so-called unhealthy. And out of the dozen or so who were healthy, a couple of them were new to the company, that's why. I was really shocked.
The three incidences that i encountered are all about a societal problem which lasted for centuries: prostitution. I was really overwhelmed by the severity of this problem, at the same time, i feel really sad for the society. I really pity those women, and really detest those unscrupulous and selfish men. Well, There are so many issues in this problem that it is hard for me to express all my views here. But I just feel pretty upset at this...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hey guys, it has been really a very very long time since i touched a computer, because i have been quite busy (as you all have noticed). Have been travelling quite a lot these few days. tag and jindao: sry, i will try my best to come online at night.
Anyway, let me share one of the things that has struck me quite badly recently. I was given a certain amount of allowance by my bad the other day. Few days later, I realized that this amount of money has been depleted a lot, there is only a very pathetic sum left. It left me bewildered and i asked myself: how did i spend so much and so fast?
This reminds me of two things. First is something that i overheard from my aunt from Shanghai, she said, "the standard of living of Shanghai is so high that we don't spend our money in hundreds anymore, we are spending it in thousands". I can share the same sentiment as her now. Then the other thing that i thought of was the salary of an average Chinese, which is just around 1k to 2k+ per month, some are even lower than 1k.
Compare their monthly salary and the amount of money some people spend in one shopping, I can finally understand and realise the severity of the problem of income discrepancy in China and in the world. Though i have been reading a lot of reports and statistics on the problem of income discrepancy in newspapers, magazines and on news, I never did feel so awestruck by the figures as this personal encounter that i experienced now.
I think we should really be more spendthrift now. Seriously. Like what my dad always tells me: 该花钱的时候就要花,但不要乱花。
One more thing for tag: hope you can keep on pursuing ur dream, do make a difference to the world. thx
temporary tagboard for zbchong: i cant view your new blog until 31st dec, so sad ):
gyx: the scenery of that mountain is nothing compared to other places such as 庐山,峨眉山 and many many more... haha
tag: i also hardly see you online nowadays, come online when i am online okay? haha
jd: hope u will have an enjoyable birthday in shanghai (your birthday lies on the same day as my 2nd driving exam, lol)
Labels: th
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
what a revelation
Had an interesting lunch with many of my aunts and uncles this noon. As all the aunts and uncles present were all my mum's sisters and sisters-in-law, the conversations we had were really open and dispensed with any unnecessary formalities.
What was so interesting about the lunch was to see how each and every uncles used their wits and humour to expose the various ways which the other uncles had employed to woo my aunts; and how the various aunts were subjected to the use of romance by my different uncles when they were in love with each other.
Though the subject of the discussion will probably bring a lot of displeasure and embarrassment if not handled properly, as exposing each other's intimacy and secrets isn't a favourable thing to do. But through the use of wit and humour, my aunts and uncles had made this serious matter such an hilarious discussion subject.
As an audience, my sister and I really had a good laugh. I am also quite surprised that though in their mid 40s and early 50s, my aunts and uncles were so romantic when they were young.
pang: thx for ur concerns of my well-being, and the reminder on my spelling (haha), i will forget it. MARIO KART!!! btw, how are you lately?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
the one-day tour
Had a one-day tour to a nearby city, Conghua, on thursday, and i thk pictures speak thousand words:
The "nike" lamp posts (lol)
Kissing the dragonfruit at the dragonfruit plantation
In the bamboo forest
Standing beside a tree
A man-made rainbow effect
On top of a 1200-feet mountain
A zoom-in look
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Global warming? yeah.. but is CO2 the culprit?
I can still remember the cold autumns that i experienced when i was younger. But now, which is already december, the temperature here still fluctuates between 15 and 23 degree celcius. Well, i admit that this kind of whether is very cozy, not too cold, not to hot. All we need is just 2 layers of thin clothing and a pair of long pants or jeans. This is also the best whether for sports, where i can cycle for hours without sweating, or play basketball the whole day without even producing any noticable amount of butanoic acid at the armpits.
Though this brings about physical comforts, it disconcerts me pretty much. The rise in temperature signifies the impending dangers of global warming...
But is global warming really caused by the sins that humans have done? Well, i bet 100% of you will say yes, and i will say yes too, if i have not watched one documentary the other day. It is really a great success for the scientists and the governments all around the world to be able to educate us to believe that global warming is mainly caused by the sudden increase of CO2 in the atmosphere in since the Industrial Revolution. However, this success is being criticised or even condemned by the renowned scientists and environmentalists interviewed in that video. This is because they believe that global warming is not caused by human activities, it is a natural phenomenon.
In the video, they have revealed some unkown facts and statistics which the media has been trying to hide, such as how the UN overly emphasize and exaggerate some unsignificant facts to persuade us and brainwash us to believe that C02 is the culprit for global warming; and how developed countries use Global Warming as political tool to restrain the developing countries from catching up with their development; and many many more...
The info in the documentary is really very invaluable. Whether or not you are interested or care about the environment at all, it is really worth taking a look because the refreshing views in the video might able to stun you til u fall off from your chair.
The documentary is a BBC production, named: The Great Global Warming Swindle. You can always download it or buy it somewhere, if cant, PM me, i can always share it with you over msn. :)