Sunday, October 19, 2008
tomorrow is the day, let me beat you up and reconquer what you have taken from me 6 or 7 years go.
and i will never allow you to do so again. never...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
everyone is getting older each day, and the rate of aging seems to be accelerating as you get older.
this is exactly what i am feeling these days. to begin with, i did not do anything hectic or rigorous yesterday, nor did i use any part of my neck muscles excessively, and i woke up this morning, i found this pricky ache at the right side of my neck. it's not the ache of the muscles, it is more like the ache of the bone. so strange, the bone at my neck just aches for no reason at all, and it is irritating me for the whole day. whenever i turn my head, the pain just pricks at me... and my 3-point shooting always tilts to the left today, zzz
i suspect it is a sign of aging. like one of the old folks' symptom, aka rheumatism, where old people's bones start aching when winter is nearing. well, come to think of it, winter is indeed coming soon (though not in Singapore, but in the temperate region), maybe the aching of my bone is indeed a signal of the forthcoming of winter. Maybe... :(
Thursday, October 9, 2008
在bench坐了老半天,不是看着别人玩牌,就是看着人家sian sian的样子,真的tmd的把我弄到sian掉,好不容易等到lan-fed的成员放学,才提得起一点精神到IRC打lan去.
谁知道,lan-fed的人还够朋友的,看我进去pool-room就以为我打pool去了,结果没帮我登记,其实我只是进去看看"魏"他们打pool而已啊...当我出来的时候,我才发现那个孔安大哥没有帮我book com,只好又回去pool-room, 跟'魏'他们打pool去.
三点多回到学校,还打了阵子球,四点就赶去做cs.虽说cs是一种惩罚,但待遇还不错,还有buffet晚餐提供,要吃多少就吃多少,但本人满civilised的,只吃了一点,就赶到我的岗位去traffic-control了.谁知,咱们三人一到terraces, 就tmd的看到床似的,一躺下来就睡了一个多小时,睡得还香呢.看看clock-tower,已经六点多了,再过一阵子,七点就可以收工了.嗨,这样就扣掉4个demerit points, 真是有点太爽了.一直slack到七点,我们又三人行地拖着沉重的脚步走回college take attendance去.所以说,cs就是这么的free-frag.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
it feels so good to watch nba again after a 4-month hiatus. following the happenings and the actions of the new season will definitely be one of the things which preoccupies my mind in the coming 3-month-long holiday.

C'mon rockets, let's break the curse.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Festival of Sports
i was kind of anticipating this year's fos since quite some time ago, because this is the only opportunity left for me to prove myself (as i screwed up quite a lot for the FOS in the past four years) as next year will be A'level :(. this year's fos is the most enjoyable fos ever, at least for me. for the past 4 festival of sports, though they were reasonably memorable, i had left many regrets behind as i failed do my best and thus did not perform up to my expectations.
But for this year, though we only got 4th in the end, it had already exceeded my expectations. and think of it this way, we are 4th out of 18 classes, which is like quite an commendable feat (at least for me:) Actually we still had a chance to fight for the 3rd placing, but since it was against AhBao's class, which is another artemis class, both of our teams just played in a laxing mode. somehow, ahbao's team won by a small margin. But if our team play seriously, i believe we have chance to win our artemis counterparts hehe.
there are two matches which i feel worth mentioning here, for memorial purposes. first was the match against hongsheng's class (which is another artemis class, sadly). their team was seriously quite tall, not counting mingyang, the shortest player there is like the tallest player in our team already. What made this match so memorable was that this was the match which excited our whole team. somehow or other, our artemis opponent played quite meng today, there were instances where some of the players got quite rough. first was xiaoyao's injury. though it was mostly due to his careless fall (i think) and sprained his ankle, his injury kind of show how intense the game was. Second was Calvin's outburst. I think he bushuang opponent's roughness quite a number of times and got damn frustrated and angry that he blurted out some, eh, unpredictable roars, like, "Do you hold pride in your class?". this was rather shocking and interesting, and i was like giggling away in that situation because it seemed quite funny. 3rd was hongsheng's scratch on zhenrui's face, which was like more than 6 cm long on his right cheek. this happened when hongsheng was fouled and don't know how, zhenrui's face was being assaulted at when hongsheng was falling down. So all these instances and in addition to the tight scores, every one of our team members became damn focused and united. everyone had a common goal, which was to bloody hell win the match. so, with this 拼出去的精神,we had overcome the initial deficit and eventually outscored them by two points (10-8). With less than 10 seconds left, we fouled hongsheng again, and the fate of our team depended on his double free-throws. with a little bit of luck, he missed the second free throw and our final score permanently froze at 10-9, which means we won. i couldn't resist my excitement then and produced quite a loud roar.
the second memorable match was against hongyao's class in the semifinals. that was our second time playing against them on the same day. the first time we played was a trashing one, with a loss of 22-10. well, that was nothing embarrassing about it since hongyao is the starting point guard for combined schools and nicktan and hongyao's fast break was really really good. During our second match-up, we changed our tactic a bit and to my surprise, 6c also changed theirs, with hongyao played inside more often than outside, which i think was to our team's favour. as i was responsible for marking him this time round, my burden was quite heavy. i had to stick to him like his shadow in order to limit his attacking and scoring. In the end, our whole team's effort paid off. this time round, we only lost to them by 5 points and we actually had the chance to equalize the game in the last 15 seconds. Though we did not grab the opportunity, it was a good fight overall.
In summary, the 5 of us had played 6 games in total which was very tiring. but then, my exhaustion seemed to be slowly fading away with each game played. maybe my muscles were getting used to the intensity with every game played or i 慢热,i felt more energized and excited as the games went on. overall, i am very satisfied with my teammates' and my performance.